The Weapons Of Our Warfare
There is a war going on that we can't see with our eyes, but is pointed out in Scripture. What happens when we engage by resisting? - The Weapons Of Our Warfare.
There is a war going on that we can't see with our eyes, but is pointed out in Scripture. What happens when we engage by resisting? - The Weapons Of Our Warfare.
God gives us spiritual truth in His word. One of these truths is the ability to resist the devil. A decision to humble ourselves before God is the first step - What Do You Do When The Devil Won't Go.
It’s Friday night, game time, our moment to be on the field and living all out for God. Let’s take a moment to gain inspiration from some others as our examples in Hebrews 11 - Fantastic Finishes.
After you are born again and you have the Holy Spirit living inside, you discover that there are still some problems with your mind, your soul. The Word of God has the ability to save, preserve, stabilize and protect your soul - Getting Control Of Your Emotions.
We are to do all in the name of Jesus. How do we apply the name of Jesus to everyday life and what does that look like? - The Name Of Jesus.
One of the tactics of the enemy is to make you feel alone. Jesus breaks into our world and makes it a safe place with His presence - Breaking The Chains Of Isolation.
As we grow in God, spiritual things go beyond concepts and become real life realities. One of these is the weapons of our warfare - The Shield Of Faith.
We are down here on earth for a limited time, and while we are here in these physical bodies we have authority in the earth as a restraining force - Your Authority In The Earth.
Knowing who we are in Christ doesn’t stop the wrestling match, but it does give us some serious moves to win as we live out our theology in real life - Wrestling Moves.
The first thing we need to know about strongholds is that they are demolishable! We don't have to let them stick around because God gives us effective weaponry - Demolishing Strongholds.
We are not clueless about our adversary, as we live a Jesus-centric life. See what scripture say about this - Unmasking Satan's Devices.