Doing Things God’s Way
Even though we believe in Jesus, not every thought we have lines up perfectly with the Word of God. We need to approach life with humility and let our minds be renewed with God's thoughts - Doing Things God's Way.
Even though we believe in Jesus, not every thought we have lines up perfectly with the Word of God. We need to approach life with humility and let our minds be renewed with God's thoughts - Doing Things God's Way.
The Old Testament provides examples to us as we walk by faith today. Consider the example of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness for the healing of all who would look. This same principle applies to us now - Look & Live.
When we read the New Testament, we see that Christianity is an experience that moves & changes us toward growing in God as He desires. We have to be willing to allow God to move us - Change We Can Believe In.
When you put your heart on the line in faith on a matter, there is often pushback from the enemy tempting you to doubt. Scripture exhorts us to continue to believe - Dealing With Doubt.
Various themes in scripture can sometimes be taken as competing, spiritually mixed metaphors, including the idea of devotion time. But we can remove all inspirational expectations and approach time with God in real life - The Uninspired Devotion Time.
Experiencing salvation was not the end of us experiencing grace through faith. We can also trust in Jesus for His grace to do the heavy lifting in every other area of our lives - Living By Grace Through Faith.
How we get to the answer of faith is so important, like Peter responding by revelation directly from the Father rather than being subject to external & natural influences - The ABC's Of Rock Solid Faith.
Taking a closer look at the story of Mary & Joseph, we see a normal, average couple with a messy backstory even when in the perfect will of God - Mary & Joseph & Messy Faith.
There is an overcoming that takes place in our hearts when we begin to activate praise to God with an attitude of gratefulness - Praising Your Way Out Of Darkness.
A pattern is a design that repeats itself over & over. A thought pattern can be as addictive as a physical behavior. But we can get free in our thought life - Breaking Thought Patterns.
There is a power released when we bless the Lord, when we get off of the self-seeking merry-go-round and on purpose take time to worship Him - Speaking Life.
There are some things that we are going to be shown by the Spirit of God, a spiritual perspective for life - Our Spiritual World View.